Telehealth & Clinical Care

Clinical Care

McKee chiropractic offers hands on treatment in-office for individuals that prefer a traditional visit experience or require more intensive care that cannot be done elsewhere.


McKee Chiropractic offers an online clinical assessment via video calls. With a telehealth visit, Dr. McKee will gather a detailed history and devise a treatment plan catered to you to resolve your condition. Our assessment and treatment provide excellent clinical outcomes for patients with fewer visits than the average conservative care clinic.


Chiropractic Adjustment
Spinal manipulation to address stiff or immobile joint segments creating pain. Benefits include pain relief, increased range of motion, and reduction of muscle spasms

McKenzie Method
Reliable assessment and treatment for spinal joint pain and extremity joint pain (hip, knee, shoulder, elbow, etc). Research shows successful outcomes for the treatment of nerve conditions related to disc herniations, sciatica, nerve pain, etc.

Manual Therapy (active release soft tissue manipulation)
Effective in treating muscle/ligament injuries, post operative surgery, and nerve entrapments in the extremity joints.

Therapeutic Exercise
Movement and stabilization exercises to address excess joint movement or limitations in movement causing pain. Also, effective rehabilitation to provide strength and pain desensitization with painful conditions. 

Neurological Treatments
Pain education and graded movement with neurological conditions such a fibromyalgia and chronic regional pain syndrome. Neuro feedback, visualization, and brain/behavior techniques.


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